Read the room

Every customer group has a culture code that defines and discerns insiders from outsiders. Relevant, valued brands know the code.

Confident how to design, price, and market your products and brand?

Don't be left in the dark.


Metro Tribal Team Working
Party People Communication Talking Happiness Concept

Do you know what your brand sounds like to a room full of customers?

Every customer group has a code that makes meaning of products and brands and discerns insiders from outsiders.

What if you knew the code?

What if you knew how to fuse your brand as an essential, integral part of the group's cultural life — so that the group instinctively values, promotes and protects your brand?

youth against the wall

You can.

Metro Tribal has studied the lived experience and Guiding Narratives of sub-cultural customer groups for the past 25 years.

The two form a set of values and norms into which you market your products and brand. The code decides if you are in or out.

We discover the social code your customers live by and the stories you should be telling as a brand. Know the Guiding Narrative, tell the right stories, and you'll help ensure that your brand becomes a relevant part of your customers' group ritual. A valued, culturally relevant member of the tribe.

Ready to Ensure Your Brand is Relevant and Valued?